Category Archives: Uncategorized

Astronaut, GR Native Shouts Out Michigan From Space

When your an astronaut from Michigan you have to do a photo shout out from space, because I mean let’s be honest our state is pretty easy to pick out from space! Christina Koch a GR native is on a record breaking flight in space. She left in December and will be up there for 11…MORE

Opening week at Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park

Spring is here and that means opening week at Boulder Ridge Wild Animal park. If you have never been it is must go for you and the family! They take a lot of pride in the wide array of rare and endangered animals they provide a home for. They have many animals that are are the only…MORE

Burger King Plans To Roll Out Impossible Whopper Across The United States

Burger King is looking to appeal to vegetarians not only with salad options but with a new plant based burger. They started using a plant-based patty from Impossible Foods called the “Impossible Burger.” The test took place in St. Louis and “went exceedingly well,” a spokesperson for Restaurant Brands International, Burger King’s parent company, said.…MORE


“Jeopardy!” Champ Passes $1 Million Mark

Ken Jennings may want to start exercising his thumb in case a matchup of the greatest minds is ever assembled. There’s a new contender coming for his championship crown. On Tuesday, James Holzhauer added once again to his incredible “Jeopardy!” winnings, surpassing the $1 million mark on his 14th appearance. The Las Vegas professional gambler…MORE

Broken Glass Deliberately Spread On Beach At Sleeping Bear Dunes

Broken Glass Deliberately Spread On Beach At Sleeping Bear Dunes

Michigan police are looking for a person who spread “large quantities of broken glass” across a popular beach. The glass was discovered Tuesday at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on Lake Michigan. A majority of it was distributed around the Good Harbor picnic area, Ranger Andy Blake says. “The glass was not dumped in one…MORE

Featured Artist Fridays

From the innovators, to the new artists, celebrate the best Q artists on Fridays, 6AM – Midnight. Specially curated from the Q archives, just for you. You can submit an artist or band nomination below!MORE

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